- Music -

Words feed and music heals but performance inspires the soul.

Monday, June 05, 2017

Stheno’s Kitchen

Stheno’s Kitchen 
Tick. Tick. Tick.
Tick tick. Tick tick
Tik-tik-ti- Ding!

They’re ready!

Mittens. Pan. Table.
Hot! Hot! Hot!
Setting them down by the busts to cool.

My hair gets impatient sometimes,
hissing at the smell of those freshly baked meat.
I pet them down and put them in their place.
As I walk through the kitchen, I smirk at those hardened eyes.
Perseus will one day taste my mastery too.

Plate. Plate. Plate.
Fork. Fork. Fork.
Chair. Chair. Chair.

They call themselves Gods; playing with the helpless human dolls;
Creating freaks of nature like little Perseus.
So very tiny, so much desire to impress, so so close to being stoned to death.

Her only sin was being flawless; all she ever wanted was to be loved.
It was Jealousy, prejudice and injustice; the family that proved
the downfall of my baby sister. Their heads will mark the sacred ground
where she lay. I will turn their bodies into a temple.
And she shall be worshipped.
And she shall be immortal.


Fumble fumble fumble.
Snakes in a mess.
Eyes bloodshot.
Poison dripping from the side of a fang.
Sister. Sister.

Let’s eat.