recently, i bet everyone is getting more and more stress. with school work, ccas and well, actually everything new while balancing with everything old. i dont know how many of us actually take it in stride and are contented with their overly stressed up life, but here, i want to wish all of you guys the best in your future endeavours.
i remember a joke my friend made while introducing himself in primary school. he said, "hi im ___, slave of the singapore's education in the day, and super ninja at night."
i never thought much of it, but only until now when i realised how much i could relate to it.
i read a compre passage, well, more of a fragment of the passage today and i could not get the few words out of my mind. that structure and order is good. i realised the reason why i felt so stressed was because i had no idea of the impending future and felt as though anything could happen any moment. (thanks to NJ's very efficient system) everything, as a result, have to be done ahead and opportunities and given up willingly to avoid conflict among each other, least they meet.
it is time to put some structure into my pathetic life for the moment and hope it pays off.
6am- wake up
6.30-leave house
7.05- reach school and mug
7.20- singing (mon and fri) PA duty (wed) assemble (tue and thur)
8- mug and mug and mug
breaks- mug(>1hour) eat(<1hour)
aft sch- choir(tue, wed, fri)/pa(thur)
home- mug
bathe by 11
sleep by 11.30 (that's 6.5 hours of sleep. tyvm)
*must go for almost all opportunities to get a good profile. (eg. unneccesary lectures)
*look at KM every sunday
*practice choir songs at least once through per song on sat before/ aft singing lesson(2.15pm)