ok, so exams comming... just like every other time, me have high aims, low expectations, still slacking, should start working but not working, cross fingers and wack. loads of stuff to do, but cant start since its friday = rest day.
everyone needs a rest day. its important. anyone who doesnt have it, need to have a life. life is important. it keeps us living, so my bio teachers say. i guess its true. dead people dont have a life, thus they do not live. im blabbering now. shall move on.
today was techniquecally mostly quite fun. everything seems to be like how i want it except for one tiny little thing. my PW teacher is starting to piss me off. not that he is a bad person, but the way he carry himself and his utter lack of knowledge of the requirements of PW.
it was a total waste of 1hr and 15mins with him today.
number #1: berated our project in front of the class without asking. the berating part im ok with, but the permission lacking part of it, i dont feel too positive about.
number #2: like to talk about things that are irrelevant such as playing soccer, eating, his wife, his life, etc etc.
number #3: wasting precious time by repeating and repeating and repeating everything that ms moureen ng said in the 15mins she used. oh, and counts 22 uneeded words of the 3000 word limit. all BECAUSE he knows nothing that is required of us!! (ms ng contradicted so many things he said!)
number #4: keeps a flippant attitude towards his reservice doing us all a DISservice!
i want to get an A. he's a nice guy. but this "nice" attitude, with nice being the MOST insincere word in the dictionary, i highly doubt he has the ability to get me there. consulting other teachers, in my point of view, is a must now.
can i have a change of teacher to a more experienced one? cause im not so trusting to my teacher who has PW in its infancy stage.