Background info: Sarah and I were like thinking of starting a consultation group with Mr. Whitby to improve our grades. And I wanted it small so that our own issues could get addressed. I have no idea how SHE got to know about this and whats more, got included.
And it was like a buy one get many free. Our group just exploded until it was 10 of us. So I said it was going to become a tutorial class size. But when she entered, she kinda dominated everything I I cant get my point across to her in the first place cause she CANNOT listen. So we split and thank god we are in different groups.
So it was 6 of us and 4 of them. The 6 of us settled stuff early and smsed mr whitby. Her group was slower and she held N--- back saying, “don’t you leave me to sms mr whitby alone”. What the shit was that for? Shouldn’t consultation sessions be set up between teachers and the very students themselves? I could see what right she had to butt in our consultation session.
[To everyone] Hey guys! There are EXTRA consultation sessions by Mr Whitby on 1) Thursday 2.30-4.00; N--- is the point of contact for Mr Whitby on that one; if you would like to go for that her no is [number] SMS her! 2) Saturday tentatively 9.00am; if you would like to go for that just sms me.
[Angrily] I called her. but the call didn’t get through.
[To me] Yup, whats up?
[Fuming but controlled] Why are you asking other people to join our consultation session?? We have already settled it ourselves. You can ask ppl to join your session but I don’t think it’s too nice to ask on behalf of us. Some f us are not too happy.
[To me] Agnes, I sent the SMS out only to those in our lit class. N--- and I agreed; if you don't wish it fine I will not.
[Smug] N--- Agreed?? Are you sure??
[To everyone] Hey guys, I apologize for the mistake made. The Thursday session is FULL/CLOSED and some have complained about my actions in inviting people so if there are still those who need consul, please contact me. Again, Thursday is no longer available and is closed.
[To me] I showed her the sms. But I’ve just sent another out. Have a good day.
[Rolling eyes] FYI, it’s not just the both of us. But thank you. Have a great day too.
ps. final CT results: B.S.A.D.D for B.C.M.L.Gp repectively