I know I shouldn’t be on the computer right now and should be mugging for my prelims instead. But an idea struck me and I thought that I should pen it down least I forget it. I don’t know if it’s one of the side effects of mugging too much but I’m kind of missing BPGHS a lot! So I thought that may be BP could do like a giant concert featuring all the performing arts!
I mean, we have sports day/ aces day every year, so why not a concert for the performing arts? The performing arts CCAs usually have their own individual concerts but by conducting a combined concert, we can allow 2 or more CCAs to showcase an integrated performance (e.g. the Military Band and Choir or the Chinese Orchestra and Chinese Dance). I know it is not as easy to actually conduct it as to just come up with this idea in the shower, but I am sure we should be able to pull it off. I remember that BP once did the “Beauty and the Beast” musical in 2006, so I know we can do it. we can also call up the alumni of the CCAs to perform too!
Everyone can pitch in. The student council could work with the newly created Alumni committee in the organization. The CCA council could work closely with the organizing team and help in the coordination of their CCA groups. Other students can also offer their help. This way, students receive more opportunities for leadership, participation and service (LEAPS certificate). Moreover, the profits gained from the concert could either help to fund the school or go to charity (I’m saying charity because my class just did a CIP project “Child @Heart” for the Singapore’s Children Society and I found it very meaningful).
Just to be clear, I’m not pressing for anything to happen right now. I’m just putting my idea out there and it is certainly in my to-do list after my A levels. I hope that something may happen out of this. *fingers crossed*