Ball game with the king
I have been forgetful lately,
Forgetting what you said
And forgetting to apologize
For forgetting what you said.
So I'm here now to say I'm sorry,
But you didn't have to be so rude
To cut me off right in the middle,
Acting high, mighty and good.
So oh your majesty, please forgive me;
For all I have sinned.
Yet, please too explain to me
Why you made such a din.
For the solution was quite simple
And the problem did no harm
Unless, I'm guessing, you've got something to hide,
Or someone you didn't want to alarm.
But it ain't up to me to speculate
So I'm still here, Your Loftiness.
Yet I want to make it clear that
I'm no pushover, stateliness.
The game you play 's in my territory;
I am an expert at it.
And if you end up at the wrong side of the court,
I swear you'll concede defeat.