- Music -

Words feed and music heals but performance inspires the soul.

Thursday, April 30, 2015

30 day writing challenge

So my friends and I have decided to start on 30-day writing challenge! We have come out with a list of topics:
  1. Addiction
  2. Pink
  3. Shoes
  4. Hair
  5. Strings
  6. Ghosts
  7. Weakness
  8. Connection
  9. Happy
  10. Food
  11. Desert
  12. Elbows
  13. Acne
  14. Malleable
  15. Rising
  16. Rooms
  17. Fetishist
  18. Fluorescent
  19. Family
  20. Space
  21. Cluck
  22. Clutter
  23. Grace
  24. Forgiveness
  25. Procrastination
  26. Gravity
  27. Tissue
  28. Poison
  29. Fingernail
  30. Today
As well as a list of challenges:
  1. Write a Sonnet
  2. Write a Limerick
  3. Write a Haiku
  4. Write a Ode
  5. Write in Shakespearean English
  6. Write a poem with only 1 verse
  7. Write while slightly inebriated
  1. Write a 7 word prose
  2. Write  in the second person narrative
  3. Write with graphic description
  4. Write while listening to a song (mention song at the end)
  5. Write purely in dialogue
  6. Write while slightly inebriated
Everyday, we would use a randomizer to choose a topic and we would have 24 hours to come up with a poem or prose. Themes and topics are open to any sort of interpretation. We may attempt the challenges at any time, as long as we complete all of them during the 30 days. All of our work would be posted in our collective blog Oddly Inspired, which is already linked to my blog.

30 day writing challenge (day 1)
Topic: Procrastination

Tomorrow, Please
I have always been loving you. When you drew your first breath
in my arms, I touched a miracle. You made
physical pain feel indescribably amazing.
When you took your first steps
into my embrace, I witnessed light. You wobbled
towards me with hands outstretched and from
your eyes, I saw trust -the first in your circle. It was
enthralling. When you first held my hand and planted a kiss
on my cheek, I felt love.
When you first called my name, "Mama!",
I heard music. My innocent sweetheart, you are a work of God's.
I am Mama.

Remember how you used to come back to me everyday?
The sweetest voice is never too far off the motorized
clink-clank of the yellow metal capsule. "Mummy!"
and suddenly, the sun shines a little brighter, the grass grew a
little taller and the flowers bloom a little bigger.
I remember when you told me you got a gold star for
English. I wore my pride as a badge atop my motherly
breasts. I remember when I was called to school to
watch you receive your awards. I clapped loudest in that
auditorium. I cheered longest. The moment captured, framed and
proudly displayed on our mantle. My little genius, you are a work of God's.
I am mummy.

I recollect when yoou wanted to be a princess -
puffy green dresses, silver tiaras, golden glitter and fairy wings.
You were celestial.
Then, fashion changed and princesses were dressed with
blood red lips, black eyeliner, mini skirts and cropped tops.
You were celestial.
I recollect when you would come home and weep. "Mum".
Girls can be a mean bunch. Boys make you miserable.
As I heard the sniffles of your door, my heart pounded with you.
As I heard the whimper of your room, my heart cried with you.
As I heard the exclamation of your tears, my heart broke with you.
My stained-faced child, you are a work of God's.
I am mum.

I'll always love you. As you heave through the ventilators
in my arms, I wished for a miracle. Your silence make
the pain in my chest feel almost unbearable.
When you threw yourself into my embrace and I heard
the empty bottle rattle on, I longed for light. You wobbled
towards me with hands outstretched and from
your eyes, I saw the life seeping out of your soul like
the white froth at the corner of your mouth. It was
fear I never could imagine. When you held my hand and planted a kiss
on my cheek, I prayed for salvation.
When you gasped my name, "ma",
I cried for mercy. My broken perfection, you are a work of God's.
Who am I if not for you?

My baby, please do not go today.