- Music -

Words feed and music heals but performance inspires the soul.

Monday, September 26, 2011

partial results

ok i havent been blogging for abit cause i have been sucked in by the ultimate black hole- education. A levels are tantalising near... yea right. its hell near and no where near tantalising. am going to fight fight fight, so posts here may reduce significantly like how you've already seen.

k so now to a more positive note, PRELIMS are over! finally i can relax a little at least. haha. got you. i am NOT relaxed. am receiving results of prelims back. some of which i am pleased, others not so much. am very very anxious about the rest. fingers crossed.

Paper 1: 31/40 :)

Paper 2: 66/100 -.-

Paper 3: 50/72 :) (Planning: 11/12 :))

Overall: 69.3% B -.-

Paper 1: 20/40 -.-

Paper 2: 33/72 :( (Planning: 6/12 :()

Paper 3: 46/80 :)

Overall: 51.6% D -.-

Paper 1: ??

Paper 2: 30/50 :)

Overall: ??

Paper 1: Unseen: 15/25 :) WH: 17/25 :) TIOBE: 15/25 :)

Paper 2: Unseen 13/25 -.- TwinText: 8/25 :( TG: ??

Overall: ??

Paper 1: ??

Paper 2: ??

Overall: ??

will update after i finish getting back all my scripts. in the mean time, please enjoy my horrendous results.