- Music -

Words feed and music heals but performance inspires the soul.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


hrm... seriously.... i have no idea what to blogg about except how nice i feel im growing since i've just said "you better get going on your PI...its important... talk to me when you're free-er"...

as in seriously... im poisonous poison ivy image is ruined..... i miss prattie... she brings the poison out of me with our constant squabbles over so trivial things. hahahs. i miss shengying too. and han jia. and cheowlin. and jie min. and jarin. and nick D. and lele. and roger. and jason. and shaoheng. and han jun. and terrence. and wei jie. and shao huan. and weihong. and kelvin. ah.. the clique.... and my classmates.... and all those familiar faces..................

BP 50th Speech day was really really nice. with nice as the very general term that include every good word possible as associated with it. the main course-friends. side dishes-choir. soup-award. and dessert- the FOOD. hahas. it was a scrumptous dinner.

recently i made a new friend! *yay!* his name is eugene... from BP. his really cute ahhas. i mean his actions. so dont get me wrong. hahas. and yea... music is like his life man.... but his boss, unfortunately, forbids it. hahas. *guess who the boss is??* but he's really funny hahas. >.-

today has been quite a good day though i spent the entire time at home. cause i did really little work(as compared to otherdays) so today was relaxing. am speaking to bryan now... hahas. hes so cute.. i asked him why he doesnt ***** me. and he said "cause i hardly really meet you anymore... ): " thats so nice isnt it?? it made me go awwww.....

hahas... ok. i think i shall stop here... i have to go blog on the clique blog now cause someone said it was dead. Dr Agnes reporting for duty to save a life.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

At the cashier

after countless of posts written with a despairing mood, i decided to post one now that is more light hearted.

weeks of mental torture have passed and so i thought that i would spend my holiday week with plentiful of rest to energize myself. and so i did. i feel really energized now as if im ready to take on another week of njorture (NJc-tORTURE). which is highly needed for my week of spa treatment (apart from being at school 4days a week and doing all my holiday homework) made me forget bout my upcoming bio test and not do the work which i eventually have to do but not for the first lesson. so i have to rush through the next week mugging for my test and doing work and work and work.

hahas. so now im taking my only chance of happiness to blog here so that my blog wont seem like a site just for me to complain. hahas. i am no complain queen tyvm.

hahas.so its past 12 and i really have to go to school tmr.... so i guess i'll stop here...

a poem maybe??

At the cashier
spa of relaxation feels really good
how fast a week just flies
plenti of rest, nothing but the best
yet there is a catch, a price

no homework today, but school tomorrow
it shall be ok hopefully
the following test, info to manifest
and ofcourse more hardwork to complete

Saturday, March 13, 2010

my new non-stop life

it has been a decade since i posted here. I feel that im like living at my school. early morning practices and late practices that are always sucky, ending up with yet more lectures from teachers who just dont get the hardwork. some of which even criticize it. not gonna name names but yesterday, the teacher is seriously screwed up. Her thoughts and "exclamations" incoherent and discouraging till the end. is a competition worth this??

im feeling really tired. i dont want to go out now. studying is a routine and practices, a way of life. resting is like a privilege that is hardly given. and a day at home is impossibly heavenly

suffocating is not the word to use as i become accustomed to my new life or non-life. Is this a series of unfortunate events? Or a series of unfortunate decisions? The question lingers but the answer unfound.

No time to think. No time to prepare. No time to study. No time to practice.

Just go to school. Get bombarded with new syllabus during lecture. Die in the tests during tutorials. Squeeze out melodies during choir. Reach home. Hurry through homework. Time for bed.

No time to study for the next day’s test. No time to revise the day’s new lectures. no time to go through the notes of songs, much less memorise the words. It’s the next day already.

Got to go out soon again. Away from The shelter of my home. Time to get dressed, yet not ready. No time to practice for my lesson. Nope.

I do not complain. I accept.

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

order for structure

recently, i bet everyone is getting more and more stress. with school work, ccas and well, actually everything new while balancing with everything old. i dont know how many of us actually take it in stride and are contented with their overly stressed up life, but here, i want to wish all of you guys the best in your future endeavours.

i remember a joke my friend made while introducing himself in primary school. he said, "hi im ___, slave of the singapore's education in the day, and super ninja at night."
i never thought much of it, but only until now when i realised how much i could relate to it.

i read a compre passage, well, more of a fragment of the passage today and i could not get the few words out of my mind. that structure and order is good. i realised the reason why i felt so stressed was because i had no idea of the impending future and felt as though anything could happen any moment. (thanks to NJ's very efficient system) everything, as a result, have to be done ahead and opportunities and given up willingly to avoid conflict among each other, least they meet.

it is time to put some structure into my pathetic life for the moment and hope it pays off.
6am- wake up
6.30-leave house
7.05- reach school and mug
7.20- singing (mon and fri) PA duty (wed) assemble (tue and thur)
8- mug and mug and mug
breaks- mug(>1hour) eat(<1hour)
aft sch- choir(tue, wed, fri)/pa(thur)
home- mug
bathe by 11
sleep by 11.30 (that's 6.5 hours of sleep. tyvm)

*must go for almost all opportunities to get a good profile. (eg. unneccesary lectures)
*look at KM every sunday
*practice choir songs at least once through per song on sat before/ aft singing lesson(2.15pm)