- Music -

Words feed and music heals but performance inspires the soul.

Monday, January 30, 2012


I know I've been cold towards you. I don't know how you feel about that. But I guess somewhere deep inside, I hope it's driving you mad. I don't know if I'm trying to prove to you or to myself that I do not need you. Yeapp, you heard me. I can take care of myself. Well, I'm proving it now. Waiting is no longer what you can hold over me cause 15 mins is the max dearie. It's the max.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

The new boy

I don't know you well enough. But you are mature and immature the right ways. You are stable. You've got the brains and status. You are someone I know I can compete with. You can allow yourself to let me win when I want it, just to make me happy. I flirt and you flirt back. Aestheticwise, you're not too bad. I may be attracted, I've got to admit. Very eligible. But are you the full package?? I need to know you better first. I've got my eye on you and maybe you've got your eye on me. Touchy touchy. We're touchy towards each other though I've only seen you 4 times and spoke 3 times of the 4. You allow me to be physically close without giving me permission. I do the same. We try to keep our distances though. I know I do. But don't worry. I want to know you better and we'll see how it goes from there

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Trusting you once more

I don't understand how this work. I'm confused and a tat bit scared. Anxious is an understatement. But just for you, I'll go with the flow. Please don't hurt me like the heels I wore today.

Still I got to admit, I was, at the very least, pleased.

Rolling my eyeys

I was exaggerating you dumbass. And through the time frame you shouldve known when I wrote it. It's ironic how I push you a way, further from me when I already felt so invisible with you. No, I feel like an obstruction. Maybe this is a defense mechanism to prevent me from getting hurt again. Thinking back gives me shudders. Even more ironic is the fact that this method was derived or inspired by you. I remembered us patching back after our fight yesterday. And then when I checked my phone, I realized that it was just a dream of mine.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012



Friday, January 06, 2012

My path

My path
Move aside and get out of my way.
I don't need you guys to destroy my day.
This is my life. I make the decisions.
Stop experimenting on me; stop making incisions.
You have the best in mind, but that ain't an action plan.
I know what I want; I do what I like with my own feet and hands.
Yes, you gave them to me. I'm grateful to you.
But a gift, once given, can't be returned. You know the rule.
So stop interfering. You ain't know nothing.
My mind is a secret. You're not allowed near it.
Maybe one day you'll learn what ears are for.
You've spoken so much while my words you ignore.
I am still vibrant. I want to see the world.
I'm not an old lady or still a five year old girl.
You've got to understand that I have been trying.
So stop budging in and leaving my crying.
These tears just make me stronger and I'll show you I can live.
I have my own list of chores I promise to finish before I leave.
Patience is a virtue. All I'm asking is for you to wait.
When I come back here, believe me, soaring is what you shall spectate!

Tuesday, January 03, 2012




