- Music -

Words feed and music heals but performance inspires the soul.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

gasp. shock. horror!

wah i tell you arh.. today, nick called me out with ying and we ended up sitting at my void deck for the next 3 hours. sheng ying and i did most of the talking (gasp. shock. horror!) cause nick was on the phone all the time (phew.... at least he was normal). and why was he so preoccupied with his phone? cause he was enquiring about shin zheng. why enquire? cause baoyi (with biasness in mind) said that shin zheng is taller than nick (gasp. shock. horror!). yeap, so this is about all i want to say now. blogged just for this.

i feel like im hanging on a cliff with one finger while all my friends are standing on the top of the cliff. there is no cushion of friends below to catch me. the pain i feel in my finger. the pain from within.